Mother's Day 2023
Honoring and Celebrating Mom on Mothers Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

Mom listened to the radio as she went about her daily chores. If she worked, she would turn on the radio when she got home.
Mom had her favorite radio stations. Mom would allow you to play your music or sports stations if you wanted. But, she may change the station back to her station if you left the room.
It was her radio, and she was listening to it first, after all.

Mom understood how open the back of the radio and replace tubes. She knew how to pull out the tubes after they'd cooled down. She even went to the drugstore to buy replacement vacuum tubes!

Mom picked out her favorite style radio. She was conscientious about not spending too much. She wanted a reliable model. She went with brands she trusted. Sometimes she liked going through the Sears catalogue. She put the radio on her wish list, or bought one herself one day while she was out. You came home one day and saw this new radio. It would be a part of your family for years. You probably didn't pay much attention to it then.
Your radio looked more like this.

But, as you grew up, Mom's old radio became a family fixture. In the kitchen or in the living room or bedroom, current events over the years were heard through that radio.
Eventually, you came home one day and the radio was no longer around. You probably didn't even notice. Then, one day during conversation someone asks about Mom's old radio. It was thrown out years ago. Or, maybe it was in the attic. Nobody had seen it for a long time.
Later, you don't hear mother's voice everyday. Your mother and the sounds of childhood are what you come to miss. And, part of that is the sound of Mom's old radio.
Tell Mom you love her today. Listen to her when she tells you how much she loves you. And if you're lucky, give her a big hug!