NOS Turquoise 1959 General Electric Model T129 AM Vintage Radio Mid Century Pristine Condition Original Box!
DESCRIPTION: This radio is New Old Stock (NOS) condition. This was a popular model back in its day. It's harder to find the economical models in such preserved condition as this one. Original General Electric box has sticker showing dealer shipping info "Klitchener Appliances of Bozeman Montana!" Shipping label also shows Butte, MT GE transportation hub routing. This radio was sold to us from someone in Montana, so it's likely the radio has never left the state since new! Pristine vintage radio in original factory molded turquoise. No cracks, chips, or scratches. No chips along the edges. Original factory molded colors. No repaint. No over spray. No touch up. None needed. Tabletop vacuum tube AM radio manufactured by General Electric in 1959 time frame in excellent physical and working condition. Picks up AM stations clearly and loudly up and down the dial without need of external antenna attachment. This radio is over 50 years old! Nice crisp lettering. One of the nicest factory backing board labels I've seen no fading. The tuning dial works fine no slipping no sticking spots no scratching sounds. No rub off numbers. All knobs are original and securely attached. The gold metal caps in the knobs are original and pristine. Volume knob pristine and not missing its center gold metal cap. Tuning dial is excellent condition. The original filter capacitor has not been replaced to preserve originality. All out-of-spec resistors have been replaced with modern correct value and voltage equivalents. There is no loud or pervasive hum. There is no loud or pervasive static between stations. The set has been aligned according to factory specifications. The power cord and plug are good original working condition with no cracks, or splits. No exposed wiring. The radio has been thoroughly cleaned and inspected. No missing factory labels. Back factory label is intact. All wiring has been thoroughly checked for possible bridging and weak solder connection. Comes from non-smoking, mature, clean professional environment.
DIMENSIONS: Approximately 11" x 5" x 6" (l x w x h)
COLOR: turquoise
ADD BLUETOOTH MP3 for $99 more: Not offered for this radio
ADD Amazon Echo Dot™ for $199 more. Not offered for this radio
Product: antique radio, vintage radio, retro radio, vacuum tube radio, AM radio, art deco, mid-century product.
Category: radio
Cabinet construction: plastic
Period: 1950s
Country of manufacture: USA
Electronics: Mounted circuit board or chassis. Vacuum tube circuit.
Vacuum tubes: tested and working. Amplifier, converter, detector, pre-amplifier, rectifier