Mid Century Split Level Dream Red 1953 Philco Transitone Model 53-563 AM Vacuum Tube Radio Mint Condition!
DESCRIPTION: This is one of the most iconic mid-century table-top radios ever made! The design is never before seen never duplicated by any other manufacturer! The similarities with the looks of this radio and split level homes being built all around USA at the time is unmistakable! This one is in RED too. The most coveted original factory color. It's getting harder and harder to find exceptional radios like this one! Tabletop tube AM clock radio alarm manufactured by Philco in 1953 in excellent+ working and physical condition.
SOUND QUALITY: Picks up AM stations clearly and loudly up and down the dial without need of external antenna attachment.
CABINET CONDITION: Cabinet is original factory shiny red paint. Not repainted. No over spray. Not touched up. No cracks, chips, or major scratches or missing pieces. Beautifully multi-level contour design with gold plastic lattice grill. No cracks. No repairs or repaints performed or needed. Cabinet is glossy red color. This radio is factory original painted red Bakelite. There are minor scratches from normal wear throughout. Paint ding on left bottom corner tips and bottom resting feet. Another small ding on the right front protruding edge tip. No other paint dings, scratches or discoloration. No missing pieces.
KNOBS: Original knobs are original red color plastic and securely attached. All the lettering is still clear and legible. The tuning dial works fine.
LOGO: Philco Transitone gold paint on raised lettering is in very good condition. Some rub off.
DIAL LIGHT: Tuning dial light works. New bulb.
INTERNAL ELECTRONICS: All paper and wax capacitors have been replaced with modern equivalents so this radio has another 50+ years or more of playing time! The tubes are working fine. All out-of-spec resistors have been replaced with modern correct value and voltage equivalents. There is no loud or pervasive hum. There is no loud or pervasive static between stations. The set has been aligned according to factory specifications. This is a Special Services band radio which means it was designed to receive CONELRAD frequency broadcasts. Special Services receiver does work. All wiring has been thoroughly checked for possible bridging and weak solder connection. The radio has been thoroughly cleaned and inspected.
POWER CORD: The brand new replacement power cord and plug are in excellent condition with no cracks, or splits. No exposed wiring.
BACKING BOARD: Original backing board is intact securely attached legible printing. Left side left of Special Services switch is missing.
FACTORY LABELS AND STICKERS: No missing bottom labels.
DIMENSIONS: Approximately 13" x 6" x 6" (l x w x h)
WEIGHT: 5.3 lbs
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Product: antique radio, vintage radio, retro radio, vacuum tube radio, AM radio, art deco, mid-century product.
Category: radio
Cabinet construction: Bakelite
Period: 1950s
Country of manufacture: USA
Electronics: Mounted circuit board or chassis. Vacuum tube circuit.
Vacuum tubes: tested and working. Amplifier, converter, detector, pre-amplifier, rectifier